Customer Testimonials

"I love all of the norwex products I've used so far. Cleaning with them is so much faster & easier... Plus I feel good about using them in my home. Thanks for introducing me to the company, Michelle!"

-Brit in Culver City, California

"I absolutely adore (is that a strong enough word... lol) the products!! I cleaned my glass tables (the large round coffee table and the entry table) well over a week ago and they still look like I did them today. I love glass tables but they've always looked like crap (oops! sorry, ha!). There must be some kind of deflector in the enviro cloth, too, to keep them looking perfect for so long.... not only a beautiful, perfect shine but healthy and long lasting, too. Less work for me which goes a long way in making me happy. The dusting mitt, laundry detergent and dishwashing detergent are also amazing and I love the body scrub. Gives this old skin a real softness and glow!"

-Iral in Los Angeles, California

"In regards to the bathroom scrub mit....I love it!!! It is beyond fabulous. I used to clean my shower with multiple different cleaning products, and there was always a scummy film left behind on the shower walls and a hard water stain in the tub. I used the bathroom scrub mit...and it was all gone within a matter of 10 minutes or less....and this was while I was taking a shower myself (great for multi-taskers ). The layer of scum is completely gone and with no chemicals!!! As for the hard water stain in the tub, I used the cleaning paste along with the scrubbing mit....and it also was gone....I couldn't believe it!!
I LOVE this products!!! They have saved me SO much time in my daily cleaning routine and I LOVE that there are no harmful chemicals.

In addition, I use the mop system on my hardwood floors and it also works amazing. I have pets and I was always nervous about using chemicals on my floors for fear of making my pets ill. However, now with the Norwex mop.... that fear is gone!"

Maria, Tacoma, Washington

"Ask anyone that really knows me and they will tell you I have VERY strong opinions but when it comes to products I am totally hesitant to suggest anything. That is NOT the case with Norwex products. I have experienced more "are you kidding me?" moments using these products than is even believeable, especially considering they are cleaning products. What has shocked and amazed me?

First, the Enviro Cloth. Using this cloth with water ONLY has solved stain problem after problem that nothing else had touched. The stains have been both long term stains that needed to be hidden and new stains that nothing else would budge. The stains were on carpets, clothes, tiles, windows and with a spritz of water and a rub of the cloth they were gone. The basement carpet had an oily, soot stain that nothing else had touched. The Enviro Cloth saved us thousands of dollars because that carpet does not need to be replaced. The stain is gone.

 Secondly, I love the washcloth. I do not take great care of my skin. That is a sad fact. I have however washed my face with soap, water, and a washcloth for years. The result has been lots of dry patches. Now I use my Norwex washcloth and water only. Dry patches are gone and my skin is smoother and more vibrant. I may actually try some of their moisturizing products. I believe they will work!"

Nadine, Tacoma, Washington

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